On this episode we were joined by Jen Lauren who is a health and wellness media specialist and the host of Dare to Self Care Podcast. She spoke about navigating her 20’s and how to find the right job for you. This episode was so insightful and I personally really resonated with it.
the reality of our twenties
Our 20’s are such a confusing time, not only are we starting adulthood but society wants us to have everything figured out. The pressure of social media makes everyone’s lives seem perfect and on that right path to success and that can leave us feeling anxious, left-behind, and feeling inadequate.
Jen stressed the importance of finding the job that fits your lifestyle and something that you’re passionate about. It’s hard to wake up every day and go to a job that brings you down or causes you stress. That job can be “perfect” in other’s eyes, but if it is not serving you then it is okay to find something that does.
making aligned changes
I personally decided to make a switch from a typical 9-5 to going back to school. I had secured a job working for an organization in New York, made the move to the city and began the daily grind. I quickly fell into the hustle culture and began to feel burnt out. I was waking up early to get a workout in before work, heading to Wall Street and getting out while the sun was setting. I felt like I was wasting my day away at a job that was giving me daily panic attacks and not fulfilling my passions.
Luckily, I knew this was not the job for me and began to think of ways to change my path. I decided last minute to apply to grad school + before the end of the year, I found out I got in! This was a huge change, I was going to go from supporting myself financially in the city, back to being a student and working part time.
I am so glad I made this change, not only did my mental health instantly improve, but now I am passionate about my work and have a lifestyle that feels balanced between school work and the things that I enjoy.
However, sometimes it takes a bit of work to reach our final career destination and we need to prioritize ourselves while we are along that journey.
setting routines and defining priorities
Jen spoke about how she implements a morning routine and prioritizes the things that are important to her, such as her side hustles, her boyfriend, and herself.
If you’re in a situation where you are beginning to feel burnt out from work or school, make sure you add in some daily wellness hacks that can benefit your mind + body. In our weekly newsletter we always include some tips for your mind, body + soul. Try one of them out for a week and see how you feel!
You should never feel alone when navigating life, and it was so refreshing listening to Jen and Carolina speak about their own life paths and everything that got them to where they are today.
You can do anything you put your mind to and sometimes that takes multiple attempts and trying new things. :)
You can listen to the full episode on Apple/Spotify, or tune in on YouTube!
With love,
xx Michaela