On this solo episode Caro dives into the topic of triggers! What are they, what feeling triggered is like and how to move through and grow through them.

Life updates
The episode begins with a quick catch up! Carolina recaps her last couple of weeks of travel, how excited she is for a New York summer + little life updates. She officially has a podcast studio in her apartment!! The Inner Growth Pod has a whole new set up for filming and recording!! She's also super excited to be starting a new course, to increase her knowledge on Integrative Health. She will be starting a new certification called IHP which was started by Dr. Stephen Cabral. This will be an awesome addition to her other certifications in holistic health coaching!
What is a trigger
A trigger is an experience that activates a strong emotional response in you that sometimes feels out of control. It might make you really angry, annoyed, defensive or sad. It's a really intense emotional that feels out of alignment of how you would normally feel.
why we get triggered
Caro believes there are two main reasons why we get triggered. The first reason why someone might trigger us is because they are actually reflecting something about ourself that we haven't accepted or owned. If you're someone that gets jealous about those around you or you hold onto people because you don't want to lose them, but if they decide to hang out with someone else you get angry or jealous. But then maybe the roles reverse and someone else gets jealous of you or is trying to control who you spend time with, then you feel triggered by their behavior. The funny thing is, that you actually haven't accepted that you behave the same way, and this is why it's actually bothering you so much. The second reason can be when we see someone else achieving something we want really badly. You then go through a spiral of comparison and jealousy towards that person. This trigger ends up activating your insecurities but you really only got triggered in the first place, because you want that for yourself too!
How we can grow from our triggers
Triggers are normal, they are a part of the human experience. We all get triggered, but how can we grow from that experience and better ourselves?? First, you have to remove the shame and guilt around feeling triggered. It is not bad to experience a trigger, just use it to your advantage and grow from it! The main thing to recognize is if you're able to be aware of your trigger, you'll be able to take accountability and figure out where it is coming from. Carolina finds it super helpful to realize your trigger in the moment and express it. Maybe your partner or friend said or did something that triggered you. If you can be aware of that in the moment and express to them that you feel triggered and why, you can communicate your feelings and take responsibility for your reaction. Sometimes we can't vocalize to our trigger so in that case, you personally need to sit with the feeling and do some inner work and speak to yourself. Talk to your self kindly and say "wow I just felt triggered in that moment" and try to identify why. It might not be clear right away, but the longer you sit with it and the more you get to know yourself, this will become an easier process. There are so many ways we can grow from these experiences, we just have to do the inner growth to get there!
If you want to listen more to this episode or get some real life examples! Click here to listen or watch, whichever you feel more aligned with!
Xo Michaela