On this week’s solo episode, Carolina shared some tips that have helped to improve her relationship with money + how to have a positive money mindset.
what is your 'money mindset'?
Your money mindset encompasses the beliefs you have about money. It drives your decisions around spending, saving and having money.
Your money mindset is influenced by many different factors. It is shaped by your personal experiences (ex.did you have a job when you were younger?), your family and how your parents handle money or talk about money, and even how your friends and peers discuss It. All of these factors in some way, formed your opinion and how you feel about money.
It is so important to understand your money mindset. What you believe will ultimately drive your behavior.

How to Change Your Money Mindset
Acknowledging privilege It is so important to acknowledge the different lives we all live. Some people have had more opportunities than others, either through their own hard work or through the help of their family. It is so important to recognize what you do have and be thankful for it!
Get really clear about your beliefs The things that we hear and what we are told become our beliefs. Our beliefs feed our subconscious minds and will affect what we welcome into our lives. It's really important to get real with yourself and break down what you've been told about money and the things you've come to believe about it.
Dismantle your limiting beliefs If you constantly think that money is hard to gain, or that you will never have certain opportunities...write it out and get those beliefs out of your head. Once you identify the beliefs you have, find at least 1 example of a situation or person that proves that belief to be false. Automatically you prove to yourself that such belief isn't always true.
Write down positive affirmations about gaining money Flip your limiting beliefs on their head and slowly start to affirm those new, positive beliefs to yourself so you can reshape your subconscious. For example: 'Money is scarce' → 'Money is all around me and I attract opportunities to make more money with ease'.
Treat money as energy You aren’t actually holding onto physical dollar bills every day and most of the time that you interact with or think of money, it's as a number (ex. as digits on your bank account). In other words, you're often interacting with money as an ENERGY -- which is empowering to know because that means you have power within you to change the energy you carry around it.
Get really conscious about how you use money When you are paying for things, are you coming from a place of fear or are you coming from a place of appreciation? Don’t fear spending your money. Appreciate what you spent your money on. Be grateful + mindful for what you are purchasing.
Spending vs Investing Carolina recommends saying that you ‘invested’ your money on what you are purchasing. “I am investing in my daily joy” when buying a coffee. You are always gaining something from a monetary exchagnge, not losing out!
Think of opportunities to come, accept abundance! What you give out, comes back!
reflecting on my Experience with money
I have always had a poor relationship with money... fearing that I don't have enough, worrying about what I can do to gain more, or not feeling like I am able to do things because of my lack of money at times.
This episode really helped me re-think the way I fear money. It’s not about the things you can’t do or the money that you are spending, it’s about changing your beliefs and realizing that the things you spend money on are fueling your life and helping to bring you closer to opportunities that might increase your abundance.
I hope that you have had the same mindset shift and continue to change your beliefs around money and learn new ways to grow + improve your mindset.
With love,