Morning and evening routines set you up for success. They help you to think clearly, be productive, and help you to feel your best. They support you to put your best foot forward and keep you calm throughout the day.
what is a routine?
A routine is a sequence of actions that you do repeatedly -- it can be as simple as brushing your teeth, making your bed, and eating breakfast. Pouring your bowl of cereal and turning on the morning news is a routine. They are all actions that happen over and over and create a pattern in your daily life. Helpful or not, every routine has a meaning and gives you power over your day.
If you haven’t read James Clear book Atomic Habits, I definitely recommend it! His book touches on how to create and maintain life-changing habits by making small changes. He believes that mornings set the tone for the rest of the day.
the power of habit stacking
James believes in habit stacking, which I personally think is an amazing concept. Habit stacking refers to stacking a desired action on top of an existing habit.
If you are already brushing your teeth in the morning and want to remember to wash your face, start doing it after you brush your teeth because you know you brush your teeth every single day. If you are already have a bowl of cereal in the morning, add blueberries and nuts to create a full balanced meal.
You want the new habit to be simple and attainable.
You also want it to be specific. For example: “after I pour my cereal, I will add 1 cup of blueberries, 1 cup of milk and a handful of almonds.”
This way you already have the routine in mind and aren’t stopping to remember what comes next.
The more similar the items in the stack, the more likely you are to move seamlessly from one to the next. These small additions to your morning already set your day up for success.
creating structure & stability for yourself
Creating routines and habits give your life a bit of structure and stability. While morning routines set you up for the day, nighttime routines have the same amount of power. They help you to get rid of any stressors from the day that’s coming to a close.
A nighttime routine relaxes your body and helps you to reconnect with yourself. I love a nighttime routine that involves a warming cup of tea, a gentle face mask and a tv drama. It helps me to unwind and technically set me up for a successful morning ahead.
We can't constantly be on the go; we need time to feel and listen to what our body needs. We cannot wake up the next morning ready to accomplish the day ahead if we don’t take the time the night before to check in with ourselves.
Everyone wants to feel and be their best self. It doesn’t have to happen all at once, but there are steps that you can take to slowly reach your goals and feel empowered in your daily life.
James Clear’s “8 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Morning.”
Manage your energy, not your time - When do you have the most energy? What type of energy do you have in the morning vs the evening?
Prepare the night before - This can look like knowing what’s in your calendar, laying out your workout outfit + shoes, setting aside your contacts or simply having a small list of priorities
Don’t open email until noon - Use the morning to do what’s important rather than responding to what is “urgent”
Turn your phone off and leave it in another room - this eliminates you from half-completing your morning routine
Work in a cool place - warm temperatures make you groggy
Sit up or stand up - you will breathe easier and more fully, allowing more oxygen to your brain
Intermittent fasting - I don’t love this tip just because we know women’s hormones don’t respond well to fasting, and eating within 1 hour of waking up is important for our body. We need healthy fats, carbs and proteins in the morning to balance our hormones and blood sugars for the day ahead (I didn’t want to leave this tip out, but rather put a disclaimer)
Develop a “pre-game routine” to start your day - Some people start with a cold glass of water, others with meditation. You should have a sequence to your morning, so have something easy first to put your body at ease.
I hope this motivates you to create your own morning + night routines and that you always feel your best!
With love,