In this week's solo episode, Carolina discusses the idea of “balance”. Let's recap on the most impactful takeaways!

What even is balance?
So, what is balance, exactly? While it can mean different things to different people, balance essentially refers to the feeling of taking care of ourselves and our bodies while also investing in our work and social lives. However, many of us tend to lean towards one extreme or the other, often putting others and our work above our own needs, which can eventually lead to burnout.
Carolina uses the analogy of a pendulum to explain a 0-100 mindset. A pendulum will swing from right to left -- if you swing it one way, it will swing to the other side with the exact same force and will continue to swing until it stops. Just like a pendulum swings from one side to the other, our minds and bodies often swing from one extreme to the other when we're overdoing something. For example, if you restrict your food intake, you'll likely end up over-eating on the foods you restrict once you DO eat them.
self awareness is key
It's important to recognize when we're going to one extreme and find a middle ground. This involves taking a step back and evaluating what we're doing and how it affects us. We need to find the balance that works for us and understand our limits. We can enjoy our favorite foods or workouts but in moderation. By doing so, we cultivate self-awareness and find what keeps us in balance.
all in all...
In summary, balance is crucial for our well-being, and it's essential to find a middle ground instead of swinging from one extreme to the other. We must take care of ourselves and find what works best for us. By doing so, we can lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.