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Healing Your ‘Feminine’ and ‘Masculine’ Energy

Writer's picture: Carolina  SalazarCarolina Salazar

If you’ve never heard of the concept of masculine and feminine energy before, your first instinct might be to think that it’s related to gender or societal norms.

However, the truth is: Masculine (yang/firm) & Feminine (yin/fluid) energy are about POLARITY & archetypes!

Regardless of the gender you identify with, all of us carry both masculine and feminine energy within us, and better understanding these polarities can help us ultimately activate more balance in life. These energies can also manifest in our lives in both ‘wounded’ or ‘divine/healed’ ways.

So, let’s dive into how these energies can play a role in our life and how to activate their divine/healed masculine and feminine expressions.


On this week’s episode of Inner Growth The Podcast, I chatted with light-worker and earth angel Kela Rose about this exact topic, and Kela explained it perfectly:

“[With] the wounded masculine in our life… there’s a lot of controlling going on… you’re constantly holding on for dear f**king life to create this illusion of security and safety because you want to make sure you’re protected, everyone around you is protected… and with this can come this very toxic controlling energy.

… [On the other hand], the healed masculine looks like discipline, inspired action, security, stability, grounding… like an oak tree deeply rooted in the earth and extending up to the sky.

…[Now], the wounded feminine looks like… craving a need for validation and codependency. Constantly displacing and putting your worth in somebody else, in something else… constantly attaching ourselves to things… [while] the divine, healed feminine…is the flow, intuition, creativity, and the ability to receive… which is so cool."

I thought it was really interesting how similar Kela and I are (energetically speaking) - I have triple Aries energy and a Scorpio Mars chart ruler while Kela is an Aries woman with a Scorpio Rising. Both Aries and Scorpio are Mars-ruled signs, and given those two signs play such a strong role in our birth charts, we have both grown up very familiar with masculine energy - both in its wounded and healed manifestations.

Throughout our conversation, we opened up about how in our journeys, this has previously manifested as falling to toxic workaholic energy and learning to navigate feeling strong emotions (like anger).


I, personally, used to live primarily in my masculine, always on the go, having trouble connecting to my emotions and slowing down, and feeling major guilt if I wasn’t “productive”. A huge part of my growth has been activating the divine feminine energy within me to create more balance in my life.

While the masculine polarity is more about linear growth, the feminine is about spiral growth — going inward, embracing the ebbs and flows of life & tapping into the side of you that trusts you’re on the right path.

When it comes to manifesting your dreams, it’s about surrendering some control to the universe and knowing that you don’t have to know all the details about when and how certain things will occur. It’s equally important to tap into rest, nourishing yourself deeply and opening your heart to receive.

Ultimately, nothing is good in extremes and learning to tap into both the divine feminine AND masculine is KEY.

As a recap:

✨The divine MASCULINE is all about structure, action, and developing an plan to go from point A to point B. It’s also about discipline, organization, speaking up for yourself, making changes, embracing more objectivity and developing confidence in your ability to achieve what you desire.

✨The divine FEMININE is all about flow, tapping into your intuition, emotions, internal nudges, & creativity.

If you are interested in checking out the full conversation, you can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

Until we chat next time, remember to water yourself - you’re always growing even if you don’t realize it.


xx Caro


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