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7 Ways To Feel More Empowered as a Woman

Writer's picture: Carolina  SalazarCarolina Salazar

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th, this week’s solo podcast episode was all about women’s empowerment. One of the biggest, if not THE biggest, driver for me as a content creator + podcaster is helping women feel more empowered — and that comes through in my content in a variety of ways.

For so long in my life, I struggled with feeling disempowered - limiting beliefs and notions that society had fed into my subconscious mind caused me to feel like I was never good enough. It made me feel like I had to change myself to be loved, liked or accepted.

So, as I have embarked in my healing journey and have done the work to find myself, to love who I am and to rid myself of beliefs that do not serve me, I am now driven to share tools with other women that can help them come back into their power.

There is nothing I love more than helping you guys feel more empowered, so on this week’s podcast, I dove into seven of the biggest ways you can begin to feel more empowered as a woman. Let’s recap!

1. Learn about your menstrual cycle and connect with it:

Understand that your body as a woman operates on a unique cyclical rhythm, and that life is cyclical, it’s not linear.

We live in a society that’s built around productivity and always doing more — it’s based on the circadian rhythm not on the infradian rhythm, and so beginning to understand and honor your cyclical nature is a huge way to step into your power.

First understand the cycle itself - what are the hormones, what’s the cycle itself, etc (my Cycle Syncing Course covers all of this!), then start paying attention to what day of your cycle you are in and begin honoring your ebbs and flows

2. Let go of the notion you have to always be doing more:

I just started reading the book Radically Content, and something it’s highlighted to me is the fact that a lot of our dissatisfaction comes from always feeling like we have to do more.

As the author shares:

“What was I running toward? What was the reward? They tell us: the ends justify the means. Miserably slog your way to success. Get that achievement. Never give up. Pain is gain. But what for? What do we GET? How does it benefit US? What ends justify the means if the means are unhappiness, loss of time, loss of enjoyment? What ends are more important than our well being, our relationships, our mental, physical and emotional health? ... maybe that’s how dissatisfaction breeds into productivity. Maybe that’s how you control a whole group of people… by giving them ends they can never meet, like putting a hamster on his little wheel to nowhere”.

The more you start acknowledging all you HAVE done and are doing, the more power you take back.

3. Improve your relationship with food:

You guys already know that helping women release a toxic relationship with food is one of my passion areas. When you reclaim your relationship with food, you free yourself of limitations, restrictions and self hatred.

Start by letting go of labels - words like good or bad -- around what you eat and realize you are WORTHY of a life you enjoy.

Also honor your cravings and your limits — the amount of food you need or how frequently you need to eat is different than the needs of those around you!!

4. Start feeling worthy regardless of your body shape, regardless of whether you have belly rolls when you sit down:

We, especially women, are expected to dislike our bodies, to never be fully satisfied in the choices we make, to always be ‘missing’ something.

Our bodies are never right. It starts as a cultural conditioning and then it turns into a personal belief.

The more you start feeling WORTHY, no matter what you look like, the more you kick theme limiting beliefs to the curb. It’s also important to let yourself STOP CARING about how others perceive your body.

5. Incorporate mental health tools into your health repertoire:

Our mental health is SO important and it’s easy for us to overlook it — especially in a world of overstimulation, burnout, always putting stress in ourselves. We’ve become so used to constant stimulation and pressure on ourselves that we need to start retraining our nervous system.

I do this by meditating, practicing breathwork and learning to put my phone away before bed and doing something to slow down like reading or writing, or meditating.

6. Look into your inner world:

We are often looking externally for answers, waiting for someone else to tell us what we’re supposed to do, what we should eat, how to work out, how to live our lives, etc.

We have become disconnected from our inner guidance, from our intuitive hunches — we’ve learned to stop trusting our inner voice. We need to reconnect to that.

Start trusting your gut feelings, and strengthen your intuition by sitting with the discomfort of silence and meditation.

7. Find beauty in your imperfections:

We are all imperfect — that’s a harsh truth we need to accept, and releasing the chase of perfection gets you back into contact with your power.

When you see something about yourself that bothers you, that feels less than or not good enough, how do you react to that? (Ex. acne, a belly roll, a not so great grade, an imperfect result to something you worked on, a moment where you showed up imperfectly).

Do you beat yourself up, fall into your inner critic or a spiral of self judgement?

What if you started practicing patience with yourself more? What if you started holding space for those imperfections instead of trying to ignore them or judge them?

If you want to listen to the full episode, you can find it HERE!

I will leave you with this: If I asked you to list all the things you love about your life, how long would it take for you to list YOURSELF? Some food for thought!

With love, Carolina


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