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5 Steps to Manifest ANYTHING You Want

Writer's picture: Michaela SpinelloMichaela Spinello

It’s time to manifest, girls!

On this week's podcast episode, Carolina walks us through her fool proof,

5 step manifestation process. She dives into her discovery of manifestation back in 2018 and how she has learned to use it to achieve the things she wants in life. She describes how she literally manifested her current new apartment and even little things she attributes manifestation to helping her achieve.

So what is manifestation?

Manifesting is “the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real.”

You can also use visualization as a way to manifest your dreams. Carolina spoke about this when she visualized the exact apartment she wanted. It also involves the belief that the thing you want will come true or you will achieve it.

Carolina’s 5 step manifestation process:
Step 1: Get clear about what you want!

Carolina stressed the importance of narrowing down what it is exactly you want to gain. If your mind is too cluttered or you have too many options, then what is meant for you wont come forward. Pinpoint your exact dream or wish.

Step 2: Get SPECIFIC abut what your life will look like with whatever you are manifesting.

Get down to the details. Carolina recommends scripting for this step, which is present moment journaling. Write down exactly what you want with all of the exact details in the present tense. Act as if everything has already happened and how it makes you feel.

Step 3: Us the power of visualization to make your scripting come to life

This step takes scripting to another level. Carolina recommends actually closing your eyes and visualize the scripting entry. What does it feel like, look like, smell like? Use all of your senses. You can also make a vision board ( I personally love this)! You can get creative + look at it every day and totally believe that what you want with come to fruition :)

Step 4: Release control over the who, where, when and how

Once you believe that what you want is possible you need to release it into the universe. You can’t become impatient and have to let it happen on its own time. You can put the energy out there, but you have to let it come to you! Trust the universe!!

Step 5: Detaching from your manifestation

Recognize that you will be fine even if exactly what you want doesn’t happen. Once you let it go + don’t think about it, that is when it will come to you.

BONUS Step 6: Taking aligned action towards your manifestation

Once you have completed all of these steps, think about what you can do to move closer to what you want! Take the steps towards what you want. Do the work!

I hope you took something away from this episode and will even try manifesting something yourself! :)

With love,



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