My 1:1 program is for women who are ready to take ownership of their health, heal their relationship to their body, and wake up to their true worth and power.
With everything I do, I love bringing in the power of holistic healing. We will dive deep into your beliefs about yourself/your body/food, recurring patterns in your life and blocks that you are facing -- in order to unlock freedom and self love.
Like a disco ball, you are made up of many different parts - mind, body, soul, energy, and beliefs. When you shine light to all those parts of you, you're able to heal them and then emanate your light outwards. Your glow comes when you grow.
We will dive into:
Self awareness
Shadow work + Inner work
Blocks + limiting beliefs
Navigating your inner critic
Physical and mental well-being
Decision making skills
Inner peace
Perfectionism healing

IF YOU...​
Have been struggling with your relationship to food and your body for a while – restricting, thinking of certain foods as “bad”, worrying about your weight – but you are ready to change your mindset and bring about positive change
Strive for perfection and tend to have a 0 to 100 relationship with your habits – you are either on a strict routine or all “rules” go out the window
Wish you had balance in your life to help you let go of this pattern
Are nitpicky with your body and worry about being judged by others
Wish you were able to look at the mirror and feel confident in your own skin
Consider yourself a type A person so you find it pretty hard to slow down and do things that are considered “unproductive”
Want to heal your relationship to your body/image/weight and develop more self love in your life
then you've come to the right place!
1. FILL OUT COACHING APPLICATION & Book a FREE 15-minute discovery call
This is how we will determine if we're a good fit!
2. Initial Coaching call [75 minutes]
In this call, I take time to learn as much as I can about you, your background and current mindset, as well as your goals. You'll leave this session with a game-plan created for YOU and your unique needs and goals.
3. Follow-Up Sessions [60 minutes]
Since accountability and taking aligned action are such an important part of growth, these sessions are probably the most important part of the coaching process! Follow-ups allow us to track your progress, see what is and isn't working, go deeper into shifting your beliefs/mindset, and help you move through blocks along the way.
4. Ongoing Support + Accountability
Signing up for a 3-month or 6-month package (with sessions 2x/month) saves you money, but also helps you ensure that you commit to continue showing up yourself while receiving ongoing support and access to me outside of our sessions.
how it works: